2. Gospel Identity: Family
As we discovered in the first section, we are all children of God and we find our identity in Him. As children of the Father, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. In this section we’re going to explore what it looks like to be a part of God’s family.
Personal Reflection
- Write a couple of sentences describing your family including beliefs, traditions and their worldview, etc.
- Growing up as part of your family, are there any particular circumstances or experiences that helped shape you?
- How do you feel your family has influenced the person you’ve become today? Write some thoughts.
With your answers from the above questions in mind, please read the following verses:
- John 17:20-23
- Galatians 4:4-7
- John 1:12-13
- Romans 8:14-15
- 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
What do these scriptures reveal about who we are in Christ, as a community?
According to John 17:20-23 how will a community know that God the Father has sent His Son?
What do you see happening if a community lived like a family as God intended?
How does this shape your view of the church?
The oneness and unity Jesus prayed for His disciples to have in John 17 is accomplished in giving us a family identity.
God wants us to grow into this identity as disciples.
Read Ephesians 4:11-16.
This passage shows us how the family of God grows up. What kind of things do you see?
Ephesians 4:15 says we grow up into Christ by “speaking the truth in love.” It could also be said this way, “speak Christ to one another” or “speak the gospel to one another.”
This week look for an opportunity to bless or meet a need of someone who’s in your family.
You could:
- Have them over for dinner
- Encourage them with a card
- Buy them a gift
- Babysit their kids so they can have a date night with their spouse
- Take them out for a coffee
- Be generous with your words; share the qualities you appreciate in them
Take a couple of minutes to write down some of your own ideas: